
Greek Tsipouro - Not Just A Beverage

Greek Tsipouro, often just called Tsipouro, is a beloved traditional spirit distilled from grape pomace, the residue left from the winemaking process. As a proud Greek, I've had many occasions to enjoy this potent drink, often at family gatherings and local celebrations. It's not just a beverage; it's a part of our cultural fabric, connecting us through generations.

The History of Tsipouro
Tsipouro's roots trace back to the 14th century, originally developed by Greek Orthodox monks on Mount Athos. These innovative monks found a way to use the leftover grapes from winemaking, turning waste into this cherished spirit. It's a testament to Greek ingenuity and resourcefulness.

How Tsipouro is Made
The process begins with the collection of grape skins, seeds, and stems, known as pomace, left over after pressing the grapes for wine. This mixture is then fermented and distilled, sometimes multiple times to increase purity and alcohol content. Each distillation cycle enhances the flavor and strength of Tsipouro.

Key Ingredients
The primary ingredient in Tsipouro is, without question, the grape pomace. However, depending on the region and individual recipes, other herbs or flavorings such as anise might be added, giving Tsipouro its distinctive flavor.

Regional Varieties
Each part of Greece where Tsipouro is made adds its unique twist to the recipe, which means that no two Tsipouros are exactly alike. This variety is what makes tasting different Tsipouros so exciting.

Thessaly Variants
In Thessaly, Tsipouro often includes anise, which imparts a licorice-like flavor similar to that of Turkish Raki or French Pastis. It's particularly popular and is often served with a splash of water to turn it milky white.

Macedonia Variants
Macedonian Tsipouro tends to be more potent and less aromatic, focusing more on the pure, robust flavors of the distilled grape.

Drinking Culture
Tsipouro isn't just drunk; it's experienced. It plays a central role in social gatherings, helping to foster a sense of community and shared experience.

The Right Way to Drink
Traditionally, Tsipouro is served in small shots, accompanied by plenty of water and often followed by a hearty meal or at least some meze, small dishes similar to tapas.

Common pairings include salty and spicy snacks which balance the strong flavor of Tsipouro. Think olives, feta cheese, and spicy meats.

Health Benefits
Moderate consumption of Tsipouro can offer health benefits, similar to those often attributed to wine.

And if you'd like to experience yourself a very fine Greek Tsipouro, we have a a great selection of these in our e-shop.

My personal favourite is Dekaraki.


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