Spring is the time when most of us decide to get fitter and eat healthier…at least for a while. Here’s the thing: Greek fava is the perfect thing to have if you’re on a diet.
So, what is it actually?Greek fava is made from split yellow peas. Yummy! It might not be so popular, but, trust me, it’s worth trying! This product is full of proteins, fibers, carbohydrates and B vitamins, so don’t worry if you skip the meat this time.
Today is your lucky day! In fact, fava is super easy to cook, it’s ready in no time and you don’t even have to soak it in water as it is with most legumes. There are all kinds of recipes for Greek fava but you’ll most often see it as a puree.
Here’s our suggestion for a simple recipe for split yellow peas puree:
300g fava
800ml water
1 onion
50ml olive oil
Salt, pepper
Red onion as garnish
Wash and strain off the yellow peas so that you remove any dust or debris. Put it in a stew pan with water and bring to a boil. After a couple of minutes scoop up the foam that’s formed on the surface. Then add the chopped onion and the seasonings and cook over medium heat. In around 30 minutes the fava should be ready.
Add or remove water according your personal preferences for the puree’s thickness. After the dish is ready, spice it with olive oil and let it cool down for 5-10 min. Then strain it with a liquidizer until homogenous.
Serve with olive oil and red onion on top and enjoy!
Have you tried this recipe before? Share other interesting ideas with us in the comments below!
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