“Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity.” And just like any of these, it cannot go without something to complement it. The eating habit, let’s say, has always been a process of evolution. A process that requires following certain ‘rules’…
Have you given a thought about why green salads or fish go well with white wine? Or why people take red wine as the best addition to a meat meal?! There are specific reasons for this and we are going to try to reveal them right away.
Keep reading!
When combined the right way, food and drinks together turn eating into
not just a simple process. They turn it into art! It appears that the answer hides within the content of each beverage. How is this true? Let’s see!
Take a chocolate dessert as an example. It’s rather
‘heavy’ and too sweet of a food, isn’t it? You might add some ice cream on top. Or some berries, a raspberry sauce, salted caramel or anything else that can ‘lighten’ it up. Well, chocolate is chocolate, after all! The same applies for food in general and the drinks that come along. It’s exactly where the whole
magic happens…
When the flavors from the dish mix with those of the drink you have, there is something different that arises. It’s
“the third flavor”! The one that you probably won’t be able to get to know without combining the first two. Isn’t this some kind of magic, really?!
So, specialists say that it’s the level of alcohol’s effects that has a significant impact on the human body. If the food is very
light and delicate, for example, you should think of getting a drink with low alcohol content. This will maintain the balance, so to say. But you do not only balance the menu - you also increase the effects of
both the food and the drink.
Here’s a
smart instrument you may use to help you choose the best drink for your meal. Always be aware of the acidity and tartness of your beverage. For instance, some wines tend to have a very strong acidity in comparison to others (Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir). The
tannins present in wine usually come from the grapes’ skin, seeds or from the oak barrels. These are a vital part of any wine’s structure, but we tend to feel them as a slight bitterness. What you should
remember is that those tannins tend to irritate the mouth’s soft tissues. That’s why you should avoid mixing spicy foods with highly tannic drinks. On the contrary, red wines that do not have such an acidity level and are not super rich in tannins can be easily combined with red meat.

As for beer, it’s acidity may come from the hobs or from the fruit additives.
What’s important for you to know is that this specific
bitter note that comes from beers can be very good for balancing heavy foods. The same goes for smoked delicacies, by the way!

So, all these facts are tested over and over again, which has finally proven that they are
true. However, there will always be people who don’t approve of them. After all, we encourage you to experiment until you find your
perfect combination!
Last but not least, browse our
food & drink store to stumble upon lots of interesting ideas! Click
here to shop!
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