We all agree most of us should take a break from the exciting
‘meat marathon’ that we went through during the holidays, huh!? Why not trying some vegetarian stuff?
Today we’re offering you
3 easy rice recipes that will make you forget about eating meat!
- Tomato rice
What’s not to love about it?!
You’ll need:
200g rice
Tomato sauce
1x onion
Salt, black pepper
Olive oil

Wash the rice and soak in water for 20 minutes.
Fry the onion in some oil until it turns golden. Then add the strained rice and cook until the rice becomes transparent. Pour 400ml hot water into the pot, salt and stew for about 10 min. After that mix with the tomato sauce and the parsley and let it cook for 20 more minutes.
Serve with more fresh parsley on top.
- Spinach rice
This spinach rice recipe is a
typical Greek-style dish that makes the perfect match!
500g spinach
1 cup of rice
70g butter
1x yoghurt
3-4 garlic cloves

Wash the spinach, cut it with a knife or just tear it up by hand. Stew it in butter until it gets soft. After that add the rice and the water. Cook until the rice is ready.
In a bowl mix the yoghurt with the pressed garlic cloves and use this sauce to season the meal.
- Rice balls
It’s almost like the standard meatballs. Just
without the meat!
So, here’s what you need to have:
2 cups of rice
1x onion
2x eggs
100g cheese, grated
1tbsp red pepper powder
EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) or sunflower oil, for cooking

Boil the rice and then mix it with one egg, the cheese, the chopped onion and parsley.
In a bowl whisk the second egg together with the red pepper powder.
Moisten your palms and form
little rice balls. Firstly, dip them in the egg mixture, then crumb and dip in the egg again. Fry in
hot oil.
Did you like those recipes?
After all, there’s nothing bad about some meatless meals. In fact, even Einstein used to say that
“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
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