It’s here, guys! The long-awaited
Easter holiday is here and we are ready to celebrate. Even if you’re not the biggest fan of traditions, you must enjoy what they bring, right?! It’s all about family gathering, lots of tasty food, smiles and good mood.
Just like Christmas!
OK, let’s see how much you know about Easter and its
traditional symbols, shall we? Here’s the
TOP 3 most recognized symbols and their meanings:
- Eggs
We got ya! You surely didn’t expect this one! So, open your notebook and grab the pen for the first lesson. Ever since Ancient times eggs have represented the idea of new life and that’s why lots of people used to dye and give away eggs back then. What’s more, the rituals they followed symbolized the
beginning of life.
In Christianity people
‘see’ the egg as a symbol of resurrection. „Why in red?”, you might be asking. Well, the red color is said to symbolize
Jesus Christ’s blood, while the hard shell represents the blocked tomb where He rises from.

Now it’s clear why we tend to color the first egg in red, right? Hey, don’t forget the rest as well as they can look however you like! You can get creative here and try some marble or sprinkled eggs. Check out
this article for some interesting ideas!
- Easter cake
OK, that’s obvious! What exactly Easter cake is? Basically, that’s a fluffy, tasty, sweet bread with raisins, walnuts, honey or some other fascinating ingredients housewives choose to use. So, according to the legends, after Jesus Christ came back to life he went to the Apostles while they were eating. The middle place was left unoccupied and in the middle of the table there was a bread, which was made for Him.

With time an Easter tradition started to appear where people leave bread (in Greece they call it
“artos”) in the temple. So, having in mind that family itself is a “little temple”, that’s how most people began to make their own
‘artos’ at home. Particularly in Greece, people name it
Tsoureki and never forget to leave a special place for it on the table.
- Lamb
Did you know that in the Christian tradition Christ was represented as the
“Lamb of God”? This traditional food that we tend to serve on Easter is associated with His death. That’s something like an offering - the animal is sacrificed in the day of Resurrection. So, today the famous lamb is
‘a must’ next to every Easter cake and a basket full of colorful eggs.

How do you and your family enjoy to celebrate the Easter holidays? Share with us in the comments down below!
Meanwhile, check out our Greek Easter products as you
click here!