
8 Interesting facts about Cheese + a Tasty Recipe you Can try at Home today

As you probably know “cheese, wine and friends must be old to be good”. The truth is no matter how old or young the cheese is, it’s still one of the most widespread products all over the world. In case you’re under the delusion that French people are the biggest cheese consumers, the following facts will make it clear for you. Keep reading!
  1. No, it’s not the French who eat cheese the most! It’s the Greeks. It’s been estimated that the average Greek uses around 27,3kg cheese per year. We have to give those folks some credit, don’t we?!
  2. Here’s something you wouldn’t expect! On a global scale cheese production exceeds the one of coffee, tobacco, tea and cocoa.
  3. There are probably more than 2000 types of cheese in the world. How many of them have you tried already? Now is the time for you to go wild and experiment a bit! types of cheese
  4. Did you know that 100g of soft cheese might supply you with 50% of the recommended daily intake of calcium. On the other hand, hard cheese can give the full 100%. How cool is that!
  5. You probably know that cheese can be made of all kinds of milk, right? We’re talking about cow, buffalo, sheep, goat and even horse milk.
  6. And there’s another milk source we forgot to mention in the previous point. Can you guess what it is?Mother’s milk. Yes, there are even farms, which produce cheese from donated mother’s milk. The producers claim this type of cheese if very rich in vitamins and other essential nutrients.
  7. Do you know how much milk it takes to make a single kilogram of cheese? Specialists say it’s somewhere between 7 and 10 liters. Isn’t this a lot of job?!
  8. It may come as a surprise, but a study claims cheese has addictive properties. Yes, that’s right! It turns out that our favorite dairy product contains casein – a chemical, which produces an opioid once it gets in our stomach.
cheese addiction Enough is enough! A word spoken is past recalling and we’re giving you a simple and very delicious recipe, which includes Graviera cheese. Products: pitta breads (or tortillas) 200g grated Graviera cheese Basil 2tbsp butter Salt, black pepper Cut the cheese into thin slices and chop the basil. Melt the butter in a grill pan and place one of the breads. Now put some cheese on top and sprinkle with basil. Then ‘close’ it with another pitta bread (or tortilla) and when the one on the bottom is well baked, turn the ‘sandwich’ over and cook on the other side. When the cheese is already melted, your meal is ready. Serve and enjoy with good wine and true friends! pitta bread with cheese Shop some of the most famous Greek cheeses on our e-store as you click here!


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