
6 Health Conditions that Beetroot might Help you with – Part 2

Do you remember who the first ones to use beetroot’s amazing properties to maintain good health are? If that slips out of your memory, check out our previous article here. Well, this red veggie is very famous and highly appreciated ever since the Ancient times. Back then the Romans even believed that if a man and a woman eat from the same beetroot, they would fall in love with each other. Why don’t you check this yourself, huh?! Let’s see 6 more health conditions that the vegetable might help you with:
  1. Anemia
Did you know that beetroot is said to be super rich in iron? This means it can restore the red blood cells and make them supply the organism with enough oxygen.
  1. Gastric ulcer
Specialists suggest including the veggie in your menu in case you’re having such a stomach issue. Patients with gastric ulcer should drink beetroot juice at least 2-3 times per week. Remember: make sure to do this on an empty stomach. The healing effect comes from the vitamin U, which helps the body recover faster.
  1. Varicose veins
Another property of the root is that it can preserve the blood vessels’ elasticity. The vegetable contains natural nitrates, flavonoids and magnesium, which are great for the blood vessels. Namely that’s the reason why it might be effective against varicose veins. You should be drinking beetroot juice on a regular basis in order to have results, though.
  1. High cholesterol
Let’s not forget how important the cholesterol levels are! Beetroot is rich in the so called saponins (a class of chemical compounds), which tend to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood.
  1. Constipation
Who hasn’t suffered from this problem at least once?! Luckily, thanks to the high fiber and cellulose content, beetroot might help the peristalsis. That’s why doctors usually ‘prescribe’ the red veggie for constipation.
  1. Dandruff
Although the results are individual, beetroot juice might soothe conditions like seborrhea and dandruff. You might wanna mix equal parts of beetroot juice and vinegar and rub into the scalp. Stay like this for an hour and wash your hair. Apply until the problem entirely disappears. beetroot's health benefits If you’re up for a healthy diet, then shop lots of veggies from our e-store as you click here! Eat These 5 Foods for a Healthy Liver 7 Curious Facts about Grapes and Wine Wheat: 4 Powerful Benefits of Eating it


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