
Greek Mountain Tea: 3 Q&A that Everyone Asks

Have you ever heard of Sideritis scardica? Probably the answer is “no” but it’s not because this herb isn’t famous, though. Maybe the names Greek mountain tea or Shepherd’s tea will ring a bell, won’t they? Well, Greeks do deserve to have this wonderful herb named after them because they’re just so forethoughtful! Actually, they were the first ones to cultivate and export the popular tea. Plus it’s known as some of the most fragrant and healthy herbs that grow around the Mediterranean lands. Here’s 3 things you might be asking yourself about Greek mountain tea:
  1. When and where can I find it?
This herbal tea blooms from July to September. Good thing to know is that the racemes preserve their beauty even after they fade. This special plant is mostly found on rocky surfaces, so don’t expect to stumble upon it while strolling in the city park. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t have it in the kitchen cupboard all year long! You can always find dried Greek mountain tea in local markets and online stores that value the high-quality products. Sideritis scardica
  1. Why they call it shepherd’s tea?
Good question! And the answer is pretty simple, by the way. It all started when Greek shepherds made a tradition of brewing tea using these mountain plants while controlling the herds on the hills. Actually, back in time people believed that Sideritis can heal any kind of wound. That’s why the shepherds always had some of it close at hand.
  1. What makes it so special?
Well, Greek mountain tea contains so many healthy ingredients that we can’t say it isn’t special. Some of the best components are flavonoids, tannins, essential oils, phenols, oleic acid and lots of micronutrients like copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, iron. When it comes to macronutrients we’re talking about calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. And that’s not all! Researchers even claim that this plant contains all elements that a human body normally needs. How cool is that! Did you like this post? Check out more here: Eat healthy like a Greek – 5 Things from the Mediterranean Diet that you can start using today! Nutmeg – How does It help & When to Avoid it? Eucalyptus – 4 Things that Make it a ‘Must’ at Home


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