Pythagoras once said: “Salt is born of the purest parents: the sun and the sea!” In the recent years, though, there has been so many negative statements about the table salt that it’s hard to imagine a “healthy’ one even exists! Yes, but it does!
Himalayan salt, a.k.a. “the white gold” (although it’s pink!) is a true miracle. It contains more than 84 minerals and chemical elements that actually ‘live’ in our bodies! This kind of salt is considered to be the healthiest of all not only for the body, but also for the spirit!
What is Himalayan salt good for?
Firstly, the rich mineral content of the pink salt helps for the pH balance. Even if it seems insignificant to you, the stable pH in our body is extremely important for the strong immune system!
Researches show that the good night sleep is another “side effect” from the regular consumption of Himalayan salt. So, if you have some trouble falling asleep, make sure to include it in the menu!
According to Dr. Mark Sircus the everyday use of a particular salt rinse (2 teaspoons of Himalayan salt in 1l warm water + 2 tablespoons of lemon juice) stimulates the peristalsis, balances the stomach acid and helps the formation of nutritional enzymes in the liver and pancreas.
As Himalayan salt has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it clears up the air from pathogens (like pollens). That's how it can soothe respiratory problems! You might have already heard about the Himalayan salt rooms. In them many people enjoy the benefits from the so called Halotherapy (from Greek: salt room).