OK, if you happen to follow our blog, then you know we’re
huge fans of anything that comes out of dough! Whether it’s pasta, pizza, puff pastry or the famous Greek phyllo delicacies, they’re all tasty as hell. Do you remember last time when we offered you two
sweet filo pastry recipes? In case you don’t, go check them out
If you’re more into something salty today, though, you’re just on the right place to be! Here’s
3 salty recipes with filo pastry sheets that will definitely stun you by how easy they are:
- Salty phyllo sticks
Does this sound like something you would wanna try? Well, there shouldn’t be any doubt at all! This recipe is super easy but still very, very delicious. Here is how it goes!
8-10x phyllo pastry sheets
2x eggs
4tbsp cottage cheese
160 to 200g yellow cheese
Extra virgin olive oil

Start by whisking the eggs in a big bowl and mixing them with the cottage cheese. Add 2-3 pinches of salt and then grate the cheese on top. Remember, this filling should be
dense enough!
Now it’s time to get the sheets into work. Spread them over a damp towel so that the bottom ones don’t dry too quickly. Cut in two. Grease each half with some EVOO and place a spoonful of the filling evenly. After that roll so that you form a thin stick and put them one by one over a baking parchment paper.
Before putting into the oven, be sure to grease the sticks with some extra fat on top! Then cook at 180C° for about 12 minutes.
If you are able to resist them, we would suggest that you leave them to cool before eating. Then you can easily combine the sticks with some tasty dips!
- Salty muffins
In case you are fed up with seeing all kinds of sweet muffins all around the shop windows, then this idea is
just for you! There’s a chance that you make them salty. How?
Filo pastry sheets
350g cheese
5x eggs
200g yoghurt
250ml Fanta
30ml olive oil
50g butter

Take a bowl and whisk the eggs with the yoghurt. Then gradually add Fanta, melted butter and olive oil. In the end, combine with the crumbled cheese.
How to use the pastry sheets, though? Well, cut them all into small pieces and add to the egg mixture. Stir well so that there’s no stuck phyllo sheets.
Let it stay for 10 minutes. This is to assure that all the phyllo pastry sheets will absorb the liquids from the mixture. Then pour into small muffin forms.
Bake at 190C° for 40 minutes and enjoy!
- Fried cheese
This recipe is
so Balkan! Countries like Greece and Bulgaria actually take it as a traditional meal. However, this version is a bit more different than the regular one as it contains filo pastry sheets. It’s easy and most importantly extremely tasty!
10x feta cheese, into pieces
5x phyllo sheets
2x eggs

The first step is to prepare the cheese. To do this, be sure to cut it into thick slices.
Then cut the phyllo pastry sheets into two. Place some feta over each half of the sheets and cover from all sides, so that you “hide” the cheese.
Do this with the rest of the products.
After that, whisk the eggs and salt them.
Preheat the oil so it’s ready for frying. In the meantime, dip the cheese covered with pastry sheets into the egg mixture and drop into the hot oil. Repeat the process until there’s nothing left to cook.
When the dish is ready, you can garnish it with a nice garlic sauce for those who like it to be
a little more piquant. The combination is just fantastic!
Do you like filo pastry meals? Be sure to get your phyllo sheets from
the best Greek companies that offer high quality at reasonable prices!
Click here to shop!