Ever tried raw broccoli? They are super crunchy and have an amazing texture. Oh, yes, they are! Hey, did you actually know you can eat them
raw? It’s funny how we usually tend to have a specific understanding about what and how to eat. We’re keen on seeing broccolis in similar ways on the plate and it’s hard to imagine they can be delicious in many other ways as well!
Today we’re giving you
3 recipes that include broccoli (either raw or not) you should definitely put on your ‘to-do’ list.
Keep reading!
- Broccoli pasta salad
50g butter
500g pasta (macaroni)
1x broccoli
1-2x zucchini
2-3x carrots
Sausage (by choice)
Salt, pepper and basil

Boil the pasta and white it’s still hot, mix with the butter.
Slice the vegetables and steam them for about 10 minutes. Then garnish the pasta with the veggies and the sausage you chose. Season and grate some cheese on top (optional).
- Broccoli cauliflower salad
300-400g cauliflower
200-300g broccoli
Green onions
1x cucumber
2x carrots
4x potatoes
300g yoghurt
1tsp dried fennel
1tbsp vinegar
1tbsp mustard
1/2tsp Worcester sauce

Peel and cube the potatoes, then boil them for about 8 minutes at high temperature.
Meanwhile, scald the cauliflower together with the broccolis for 3 minutes and then shock them with cold water.
For the dressing:
Cut the onions and mix with yoghurt, mustard, vinegar, Worcester sauce and fennel. Season with salt by taste.
Cut the cucumber, grate the carrots and mix with the potatoes, broccolis, cauliflower as well as with the dressing. Serve and enjoy!
- Raw broccoli salad
1x red pepper, roasted
Olives “Kalamon”
For the dressing:
olive oil
lemon juice

Cut the vegetables and mix in a bowl together with the olives and the nuts. Prepare the dressing as you mix the honey, olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Then season the salad and put on the table.
By the way, if you still haven’t tried raw broccoli, now’s the moment to do so. It’s still
broccoli’s season!
Don’t forget to buy from our
organic vegetables as you
click here!
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