“No matter how much I eat, there is always room for halloumi.” Does this apply for you as well? Truth is, this kind of cheese tastes
so great that there’s hardly anyone who would resist it.
That’s why today we’re giving you 3 extraordinary, delicious and
not that popular recipes that include halloumi. Want to give them a chance?
Keep reading!
- Halloumi pita /Χαλουμόπιτα/
If you remember from our
previous article, halloumi itself is a typical Cypriot cheese. Χαλουμόπιτα, therefore, is something like a traditional food on the island. It’s similar to a salty cake, but not exactly. You have to try it to understand!
4x eggs /186g/
120ml oil
125ml milk
60g yoghurt
1tbsp brandy /15ml/
2tsp baking powder
Fresh peppermint (or mint), chopped
230g halloumi
215g flour
Preheat the oven to 180˚С.
Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and gradually add the oil, milk, yoghurt and the baking powder, mixed with the brandy. Finally sift the flour (and again gradually) add to the rest of the products. Mix until homogenous.
Grate the halloumi cheese and combine with the chopped peppermint. Add this to the dough, stir well using a spoon or a spatula.
Grease and flour a 26x19cm pan. Pour the dough inside and bake for about 50-55 min.
TIP: If you choose to bake in a
round form, use a cake form that’s about 23-24cm and has a hole in the middle. You should know that it would require less time for baking (~35-40min) as the dough layer will be thinner.
- Baklava with Halloumi
If you still haven’t tried the traditional baklava, go make your order now because it’s super tasty! Otherwise, we would suggest you try something
more uncommon like this recipe:
1 package of pastry sheets
500g halloumi
250g walnuts
4tbsp sugar
200g butter
½ tsp cinnamon
For the syrup:
350g sugar
1 package of vanilla sugar
2tbsp lemon juice
Melt the butter. In the meantime grate the cheese.
Blend the walnuts together with the sugar and cinnamon.
Take a baking pan and grease it with butter. Place half of the pastry sheets one over the other as you grease each of them.
Sprinkle cheese on top and then finish with the walnut filling.
After that place the rest of the sheets over as you grease with butter again.
Cut into triangles, put butter on top
(so much butter!) and bake in preheated oven at 180˚С. After 20-30 min the meal should be ready!
To make the syrup, boil the sugar with 400ml of water. Season with the lemon juice and vanilla sugar. Pour on top of the hot baklava and leave for a night.
- Warm salad with sweet potatoes and halloumi

This kind of salad is definitely for you, if you want something light
and in the same time nutritional for dinner. The star here is, of course, halloumi cheese.
1x sweet potato
1x red onion
30g arugula
1x avocado
200g halloumi
½ tsp cumin
½ smoked red pepper powder
For the dressing:
1tbsp sesame tahini
1 lemon
1 clove of garlic
Salt, black pepper
Preheat the oven to 220˚С.
Cube the potato, then slice the onion and put them in a baking dish. Sprinkle some olive oil, black pepper, salt and stir. Bake for 20-30 min until the potatoes are
soft enough.
Cut the cheese into thin slices and mix with EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), cumin and red pepper powder. Heat the pot and without putting any additional grease, place the halloumi. Cook until golden on both sides.
To make the dressing combine tahini with the juice of one lemon. Then add chopped parsley, garlic, salt and pepper. Add water (if needed) to achieve
the perfect consistence.
Time to put everything together! Put all products in a big bowl, pour the dressing on top and serve.
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