Barbeque, barbeque…Some say
there is no sincerer love than the love of it. What do you think? And, of course, a good sating meal always comes with a flavorful sauce on top. Just like barbeque sauce!
Barbeque sauce is full of aromas and it’s ideal for marinating, pouring while grilling or serving as some sort of garnish. In fact, many chefs think of it as
a main sauce. It’s because it is a vital part of thousands of meals (most of which include meat).
Without further ado, here are
3 satiating recipes that make the perfect combination with barbeque sauce:
- BBQ Pork with potatoes
You’re not very much into cooking right now, but at the same time you don’t wanna order food? Don’t worry! There’s still a way to get something really tasty (unless you are a vegetarian!). This recipe is super easy, quick and extremely delicious.
Products (suitable for 2 portions):
2x pork steaks
1x onion
2x big potatoes
4tbsp barbeque sauce
Black pepper, red pepper powder
Himalayan salt
Olive oil

Firstly, chop the onion into circles and spread half of it over a greased baking tin. Then, season the steaks with salt, black pepper and, of course, BBQ sauce all over them. Place the meat over the onion. Put the rest of the onion slices on top of the meat so that it’s all covered up.
Cut the potatoes into circles again and spread them like “falling dominoes” (meaning they overlap each other) around the pork. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and some olive oil.
Cook at 220°C for about an hour.
TIP: We would recommend you serve the pork steaks with a glass of flavourful red wine.
Bon appetite!
- Chicken wings wrapped in BBQ sauce
Products (suitable for 2-4 portions):
6-8 cups vegetable oil
20x chicken wings
1x egg, whisked
1 cup milk
2 cups flour
2 ½ tsp salt
¾ tsp black pepper
¾ tsp monosodium glutamate (MSG)
Barbeque sauce

Preheat the oil in a deep frying pan.
In the meantime, take a small bowl and mix the egg with the milk.
In another bowl combine the flour, salt, black pepper and MSG.
When the vegetable oil is hot enough, dip the chicken wings into the milk first, then in the flour mixture. Place all of them in a big plate so they are all covered and ready for frying.
Fry for 9-12 min until golden. When the meat is ready, pour the barbeque sauce on top. Serve while still hot!
- Crispy pork ribs with barbeque sauce
2kg pork ribs
100ml BBQ sauce
50ml soy sauce
Black pepper, salt
2x garlic cloves
100ml red wine

Smash the garlic cloves and mix with the rest of the products excluding the wine. Stir well so that you get a thick marinade. Be sure to add the soy sauce
After that, make cuts into the ribs and spread the marinade all over them.
Use a large baking tin to pour the wine on the bottom. Place all the meat parts and it’s ready to cook.
Bake in the oven at 180-200°C until ready.
TIP: Make sure to turn the ribs while cooking so they can get a nice crispy cover on all sides.
You have all the ingredients, but you still miss the sauce? Get your
Barbeque sauce from