Lots of people say their favorite food is
Greek yoghurt and honey and there’s nothing strange about it. Let’s talk about yoghurt today, shall we? Well, basically it’s very common nowadays and it’s part of almost any diet. Yes, it is, because yoghurt is believed to be
super healthy, but the truth is it’s also very delicious.
2 great recipes with yoghurt you’ll fall in love with:
- Raspberry yoghurt crème
3x containers of Greek yoghurt
1 cup of powdered sugar
1x vanilla
20g gelatin
Juice from 1 lemon
1 cup of raspberries
100g crushed almonds
3tbsp raspberry jam

Dissolve the gelatin into water until it swells and let it cool. Mix the yoghurt with powdered sugar, vanilla and start whipping with a mixer. Then add the lemon juice, the almonds and beat up again. Add the gelatin in a slow trickle as you whip the mixture simultaneously. In the end put the raspberries to the other products and mix.
Pour the blend into a dish with diameter around 20-25cm. Put it into the freezer for 2-3 hours.
Place some raspberry jam on top of the crème and serve with an ice cream ball.
- Yoghurt biscuit cake
for the base:
200g digestive biscuits
50g butter, melted
for the filling:
1kg yoghurt
500ml bottled raspberries
½ cup sugar
3x gelatin packets
3x vanilla packets

To make the base, crush the biscuits and mix with the melted butter. Then tip them into a tin and press firmly to create a thin even layer.
Dissolve the gelatin into water and let it rise for
10 min. Meanwhile in a big bowl mix the yoghurt, the sugar, the vanilla and half of the raspberry syrup. Then add the gelatin and stir until smooth.
Pour half of this mixture over the base and place the raspberry fruits from the compote. After that pour the rest of the mixture and put the cake in the fridge for about
2 hours until it hardens.
Now put your cooking apron on and get down to work!
Don’t forget to supply yourself with our
organic Greek yoghurts from our e-store as you click
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