All purpose organic wheat flour 1Kg Organic flour for all uses, comes from certified soft grains of organic agriculture. We are proud to be the first to...
"Avramoglou" Mixture for Fish 50g Original mixture of spices made for fish. Ingredients: Onion salt ,oregano, vegetable, rosemary, parsley, tarragon, peppermint pepper,...
Thyme 70gr A natural tonic in cases of physical and mental decline? anxiety and depression. Helps with mental clarity. Is hot thyme drink diaphoretic...
Rosemary, dentrolivano 80g A very aromatic plant with a freshness and intensity in flavour, slightly reminiscent of pine. It is known from antiquity. Ancient...
"Avramoglou" Marjoram, mantzourana 70g Marjoram tea is particularly digestive and helps to remove toxins from the body. It relaxes and helps in eliminating stress...
"Avramoglou" Eucalyptus leaves 40g Eucalyptus is the classic cold remedy herb and is infamous from its use by grandmothers all over the world. Eucalyptus...
Senna Alexandrina 70gr The leaves of Alexandria regulate the function of the intestine by increasing its peristaltic movements and act as a laxative, restoring...
Muffins mix 500g WITH FROSTING? WITH CHOCO CHIPS? OR WITH BLUEZERS? YOU HAVE 12 MUFFINS TO GARN WITH IMAGINATION! Only 3 steps for the delicious muffins Preparation...
Small Vegetable Pasta Shells 500g Ingredients: Semolina from durum wheat, dehydrated vegetables (spinach 2%, beetroot 2%, red pepper.) May contain milk, egg...
"Avramoglou" Nutmeg powder, moschokarudo 14g Nutmeg is the seed or ground spice of several species of the genus Myristica. Myristica Fragrance (fragrant nutmeg or...
Echinacea 50g The Echinacea is considered the antibiotic of nature as it has been observed to contribute significantly in killing germs and boosting the...